Saturday, June 29, 2019

One Second a Day

When I left for France, I wanted to make sure that I documented my journeys so I did not forget all the experiences that I had. I briefly considered keeping a journal, but I wanted something that would capture the sights and sounds of my journey as well as my memories. Then, I came across the app, "1 Second Everyday," and I realized it would be perfect. Basically, with this app, you take a one second video every day, and at the end of the year (or however long you want to keep taking videos), the app compiles the videos together into a roughly seven minute long video.

By taking a one second video everyday during my time in France, it made me want to make the most of everyday, because who wants to see a seven minute video of me staying inside and watching Netflix. Although some days it was tough to find an exciting moment to capture, I managed to stick to my goal and take a video everyday.

Now, looking back at my videos from January through May, seeing the one-second snippet from each day sparks my memory of everything I did during that day, even if it was as simple as what I was cooking for dinner that night.

To give you an idea of how this app works, here is the one-second a day mashup from this February.

Even though not every video is that exciting, each clip gives a perspective of a day through my eyes and gives a sense of what my daily life was like in France. I highly recommend using this app, or even just saving a one-second video a day to your camera roll so you can remember every moment... even the rainy days spent inside watching Netflix.

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